The Midlife Makeover Show - Motivation, Self Help, Empty Nest, Divorce, Health, Fitness, Mindset, Aging, Weight Loss, Menopause, Perimenopause, Dating, Fifty, Forty

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Settle in for a transformative and candid conversation on The Midlife Makeover Show as we welcome Casey McGuire Davidson, a life and sobriety coach who is reshaping the narrative around alcohol and its impact on our lives. With a staggering 1.3 million downloads on her Hello Someday podcast for sober-curious women, Casey brings a wealth of experience and empathy to the table, having navigated her own journey from a self-described 'red wine girl' to a beacon of hope for those seeking a life of clarity and joy without alcohol.


In this episode, we explore the stark reality behind New Year's resolutions and why so many of us abandon our quests for a healthier, happier existence. Casey demystifies the physical and emotional toll that even moderate drinking can take on our bodies, from disrupted sleep to heightened anxiety, and offers a compelling case for embarking on a 100-day alcohol-free challenge.


Whether you're feeling the weight of a midlife transition, wrestling with the pressures of an empty nest, or simply curious about the sober-curious movement, Casey's insights are a must-hear. Discover how to create your own 'sober bubble,' the power of community in making lasting changes, and the unexpected joys that await on the other side of sobriety.


Don't miss this opportunity to redefine your relationship with alcohol and ignite a midlife transformation that echoes far beyond the month of February. Tune in, take notes, and take the first step towards a life brimming with possibilities.


More episodes from The Midlife Makeover Show - Motivation, Self Help, Empty Nest, Divorce, Health, Fitness, Mindset, Aging, Weight Loss, Menopause, Perimenopause, Dating, Fifty, Forty