The Healthy Rebellion Radio

Protein and Sarcopenia, Exercise and Liver Enzymes | THRR145

03.10.2023 - By Robb WolfPlay

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Please Subscribe and Review: Apple Podcasts | RSS Submit your questions for the podcast here News Topic:   The vertical farming bubble is finally popping Show Notes: Here is a link to for an eGFR calculator where you can put in your creatinine number with your actual mass etc. and get a more realistic result. Questions:    Paper Review : Increased protein consumption linked to Sarcopenia Miquel says: Hello Robb and Nicki, I really appreciate your podcast! (I listen in via Podbean). Recently I came across a study conducted in the UK that has really stumped me and was wondering whether you might be able to have a look at it and help shed some light on it? For your ease of reference, here is the link from whence it came: Keep up the good work! All the best regards, Miquel Cerqueda   Hashimoto's and Elevated Liver Enzymes Josh says: Hi Robb and Nicki - I have been eating paleo-ish since about 2009. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's 7 years ago. I have been seeing a functional medicine practitioner since then and have had good luck keeping all things thyroid-related where they should be. The one issue that has plagued me is elevated liver enzyme levels (ALT, AST and GGT) for years. I do not have any symptoms (pain, etc) that I know of related to elevated liver enzymes. My doc is concerned that I may have liver issues down the road. I do not regularly take any other OTC meds that could be causing this either. The best success I had is when I greatly reduced my exercise levels. The theory was that the exercise causes muscle damage that, in turn, over-taxed my liver. Over the past 6 months I have increased my exercise greatly. Every afternoon I run 3 miles with the dog except on Saturdays when I hit the trails to run with friends for usually 5-10 miles. I also do kettlebells 2x week, club swinging 2x week and 2 days of balance and mobility training in the mornings. The kettlebells and clubs are not intense - not crossfit type metcons, just the basics. I recently had blood work done and, no surprise, my liver enzymes were even higher than normal. Do you have any other ideas of what could be causing this? Anything else I could try? Or should I drop down to a lower activity level and have labs run again after a few months to see if the pattern holds?   Potassium Chloride in LMNT John asks:  Hi Robb, had a convo with someone about LMNT and was curious as im looking to add LMNT to my low carb diet potentially. But a curious question was brought up by the other person, im sure its easily explained, what is the difference between the potassium chloride in LMNT vs how its used in lethal injections? Is it simply a case of dose makes the poison? Thanks for your help! Im sure this concern brought up by a friend holds no true weight.   Sponsor: The Healthy Rebellion Radio is sponsored by our electrolyte company, LMNT. Proper hydration is more than just drinking water. You need electrolytes too! Check out The Healthy Rebellion Radio sponsor LMNT for grab-and-go electrolyte packets to keep you at your peak! They give you all the electrolytes want, none of the stuff you don’t. Click here to get your LMNT electrolytes

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